Courting season is upon us and this year is set to be more than memorable. The Viscountess Lavender Endicoton is throwing a gala to celebrate her daughter Daffodil’s 1813 premiere season. In attendance will be Stephen Hound, the Duke of Hasty, said to be courting the young Endicoton–a fact that has been rumored to greatly displease his closest friend, Lady Daffodil’s own brother, Tony. Saucy Featherly, arch rival and lifelong friend of Daffodil will also be in attendance with her eye rumored to be on young master Tony himself. Lord Nigel Ambrosia will be accompanied by his fresh black eye, delivered, they say, by the young Miss Endicoton. And, if the winds be fair, perchance I, Lady Thistledon might make an appearance. This year’s courting season is quickly becoming a season to die for.
The GSC will provide subsidized tickets to this event that will take place at the MIT Endicott Mansion. Transportation to and from the event are provided. A buffet dinner is provided. This event is for people 21+ only due to the nature of the event, we will check IDs at the bus.
Refunds are not allowed unless the event is canceled. Ticket transfers are not allowed unless otherwise said by the organizers.